

Sanabria, S., & DeLorenzi, L. (in review) Promoting Advocacy in Counselor Education Training Programs by Integrating Social Justice Practice in Clinical Experience: Moving from Theory to Action.

Sanabria, S. & Murray, T. (2018). Infusing Human Sexuality Content and Counseling in Counselor Preparation Programs. American Journal of Sexuality Counseling, 13(2). 190-204.

Webber, J.M., Sanabria, S., & Mascari, J.B. (2018). Responding to Mass Violence and the Pulse Nightclub Massacre. In Webber, J.M., & Mascari, J.B. (Eds) Disaster Mental Health Counseling; A Guide to Preparing and Responding. ACAF: Alexandria, VA.

Sanabria, S. (2018). In Our Own Words. In Webber, J.M., & Mascari, J.B. (Eds) Disaster Mental Health Counseling; A Guide to Preparing and Responding. ACAF: Alexandria, VA.

Sanabria, S. (2016, July 16). Counselor addresses self-care, guilt in the wake of Orlando shooting. Retrieved from

Ginicola, M.M., Sanabria, S., Filmore, J., & DeVoll, M. (2016).  Counseling Gay Men. In Ginicola, M.M., Smith, C. & Fillmore, J. (Eds) Affirmative Counseling with LGBTQI+ People. ACA: Alexandra, VA.

Sanabria, S. & Suprina, J. (2014). Spirituality Counseling with Gay Men. In Kocet, M. (Ed) Counseling Gay Men. ACA: Alexandria, VA.

Sanabria, S. (2014). Counseling Sexual Minority Men. In Englar-Carlson,(Ed) A Counselor’s Guide to Counseling Men. ACA: Alexandria, VA

Sanabria. S. (2013). When Adoption is not an Option: Using Assisted Reproductive Technology and Surrogacy Services in Starting a Family. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Services

Sanabria, S. & Puig, A. (2012). Counseling Hispanic Lesbian and Gay Clients.  Case Studies in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Counseling. ACA: Alexandria, VA, 185-195.

Sanabria, S. (2012). Homoprejudice: A Study of Religious Influences on the Development of a Homoprejudice Belief System. The Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling. 6, 183-201.

Kocet, M., Sanabria, S., & Smith, M.R. (2012). Finding the spirit within: Religion, spirituality, and faith development in gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals. The Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling. 5, 163-179.

Sanabria, S. (2012). Life in a New World: Exploring Needs of Immigrant Clients. CACREP Core Competencies Activities. ACA: Alexandria, VA, 163-165.

Sanabria, S., Derrick Paladino, D., & Homrich, A. (2012). Beyond the Green Card: Career Counseling with Immigrant Clients. Activities for Career Counseling. ACA: Alexandria, VA, 237-238.

Dubi, M & Sanabria, S. (2010). The Clearness Committee Model for Trauma or Crisis Counselors. In Webber, J. Bass, D.D. & Yep, R. (Eds) Terrorism, Trauma and Tragedies: A Counselor’s Guide to Preparing and Responding (2nd Ed). ACA: Alexandria, VA, 169-171.

Dubi, M & Sanabria, S. (2010). Understanding and Working with Acute Stress Disorder. In Webber, J. Bass, D.D. & Yep, R. (Eds) Terrorism, Trauma and Tragedies: A Counselor’s Guide to Preparing and Responding (2nd Ed). ACA: Alexandria, VA, 7-8.

Sanabria, S. & Freeman, L. (2008). Report of the ACA Ethics Committee: 2006-2007. Journal of Counseling and Development, 86, 249-252.

Delgado-Romero, E.A. & Sanabria, S. (2007). Counseling International Students from Latin America and Caribbean. In Singaravelu, H.D. & Pope, M. (Eds.) A Handbook for Counseling International Students in the U.S. Alexandria, VA: ACA, 155-172.

Pope, M., Barret, B., Szymanski, D.M., Chung, Y.B., Singaravelu, H., Mclean, & Sanabria, S. (2005). Culturally Appropriate Career Counseling with Gay and Lesbian Clients. Career Development Quarterly. 53 (2). 158-177.

Dubi, M & Sanabria, S. (2004). The Clearness Committee Model for Trauma or Crisis Counselors. In Webber, J. Bass, D.D. & Yep, R. (Eds) Terrorism, Trauma and Tragedies: A Counselor’s Guide to Preparing and Responding (2nd Ed). ACA: Alexandria, VA, 169-171.

Dubi, M & Sanabria, S. (2004). Understanding and Working with Acute Stress Disorder. In Webber, J. Bass, D.D. & Yep, R. (Eds) Terrorism, Trauma and Tragedies: A Counselor’s Guide to Preparing and Responding (2nd Ed). ACA: Alexandria, VA, 6-7.



Keynote Address

Sanabria, S. (2018, January). 7 Ways to Take Care of Your Brain. Presented at the Mental Health Counselors of Central Florida Annual Assembly. Winter Park, Florida.


Sanabria, S. (2018). The right to parent. Presented at the meeting of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists, Denver, Co.

Sanabria, S., Homrich, A., Sullivan, M. (2018). Social justice advocacy learning in counselor education programs: From theory to action. Presented at the meeting of Southeast Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling Annual Conference. Savannah, GA.

Murray, T. & Sanabria, S. (2016).  Upping you’re A-Game: Improving sex therapy outcomes through client feedback. Presented at the meeting of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Sanabria, S. (2016). Integrating neurobiology theory and research into college counseling training programs.  Presented at the meeting of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. New Orleans, LA.

Sanabria, S. (2016). State of the family. Panelist at Family Equality Council, Provence Town, MA.

Sanabria, S. (2016). Orlando Pulse Shooting Discussion. Panelist at Enzian Theater, Winter Park, FL.

Sanabria, S. (2016). Vulnerability and Empowerment with LGBT Youth. Presented at the meeting of the Orlando Youth Empowerment Summit.

Sanabria, S. (2015). Counseling Issues with Clients Who Identify as Bisexual, Presented at the meeting of the Central Florida Association for Marriage and Family Therapy Conference. Winter Park, FL.

Kocet, M. & Sanabria, S. (2015). Bibliotherapy with children. Presented at the meeting of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Paladino, D. & Sanabria, S. (2015). Multiracial counseling primer: Exploring the history, experiences, identity development, and best practices with biracial and multicultural individuals. Presented at the meeting of Southeast Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling Annual Conference. Savannah, GA.

Kocet, M. & Sanabria, S. (2014). LGBTBioblitherapy for children and parents. Presented at the meeting of the Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Issues in Counseling Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Sanabria, S. & Puig, A. (2014).  Addressing same-sex parenting concerns in Counseling. Presented at the meeting of the Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Issues in Counseling Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Paladino, D. & Sanabria, S. (2014). The Social Justice Pre-Practicum Experience: Promoting Advocacy in Counselor Training.  Presented at the meeting of the Southeast Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling Conference. Savannah, GA.

Sanabria, S. & Paladino, D. (2014). Social justice education: A call for action. Presented at the meeting of the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Birmingham, AL.

Sanabria, S., Paladino, D., Homrich, A. & Norsworthy, K.  (2013). Promoting Advocacy in Counselor Education Training Programs by Integrating Social Justice Practice in Clinical Experience: Moving from Theory to Action. Presented at the meeting of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Denver, Co.

Sanabria, S. (2013). Making Babies: Counseling GLBT Individuals and Couples Interested in Becoming Parents through Assisted Reproductive Therapies. Presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio.

 Sanabria, S. (2013). Intersectionality of Identity: A Dialogue with Queer People of Color. Presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Sanabria, S. & Bloom, Z. (2013). Promoting Advocacy in Training Programs by Integrating Social Justice Counseling Practice in Pre-Practicum Experience. Presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Shell, L., Sanabria, S., Marcus, S. (2012). The Relationship Between Racial Identity, Race-Related Stress, Psychological Distress and Counselor Preferences of Black People. Presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Sanabria, S. (2012) Hate on the Rise: Examining the Global Increase of Anti-Gay Violence and It Impact on the LGBT Community. Presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Wynn, R., Sanabria, S., & Singaravelu, H. (2012). Intersectionality of Identity: A Dialogue with Queer People of Color. Presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.  

Sanabria, S. (2011). Hate on the Rise: A Look at Global Anti-Gay Violence.  Presented at the meeting of the Annual Traumatology Symposium, Sarasota, FL.

Homrich,A., Paladino, D., & Sanabria, S (2011). Teaching Effective Group Leadership through a Required two Course Sequence. Presented at the meeting of American Counseling Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Sanabria, S. & Paladino, D. (2011). Multiple Identity Development: Integrating Racial and Ethnic Identity with LGBT Individuals. Presented at the meeting of the Southeast Cross-Cultural Issues in Counseling Conference. Savannah, GA.

Sanabria, S. (2011). Counseling Transgender Clients: Special Issues and Considerations. Presented at the meeting of the Mental Health Counselors of Central Florida.

Sanabria, S. (August, 2010). Integrating Affirmative Therapy with the LGBTIQ Population. Presented at the meeting of T.W.I.C.E., Sarasota, FL.

Sanabria, S. (2010). At-Risk Populations: Working with Sexual Minorities in School Systems. Presented at the meeting of the Florida School Counselor Association. Ft. Lauderdale, FL.

Sanabria, S. (2008).  So you’re having a baby: How gestational surrogacy is changing the face of family therapy.  Presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI.

Sanabria, S. & Brachaili, M. (2006). Assisting in the Development of Acceptance in Parents of Gay and Lesbian Adolescents.  Presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association Annual Convention. Montreal, Canada.

Dubi, M. & Sanabria, S. (April, 2005).  The Clearness Committee. Presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.

Dubi, M. & Sanabria, S. (March, 2004). The Clearness Committee: A New Model for Clinical Supervision. Presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association Annual Convention, Kansas City, MO.

Sanabria, S. & Giunta, S. (September, 2004). Doctors: On Top or on Tap. Presented at the meeting of the Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Athens, GA.

Dubi, M. & Sanabria, S. (September, 2004). The Clearness Committee: A New Model for Clinical Supervision. Presented at the meeting of the Southern Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, Athens, GA.

Sanabria, S. (March, 2003). Homophobia. Presented to the American Counseling Presented at the meeting of the Association Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA.

Sanabria, S. (March, 2003). Assisting Parents of Gay and Lesbian Children. Presented at the meeting of the American Counseling Association Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA.

Sanabria, S. (March, 2003). Stress and the Laughing Cure. Presented to the Arcadia Department of Juvenile Justice, Sarasota, FL.

Sanabria, S. (February, 2003). Stress and the Laughing Cure. Presented to the Charlotte Regional Medical Center’s medical staff, Sarasota, FL.

Sanabria, S. (July, 2002). Multicultural Competencies in Career Counseling.  Presented to the Indiana State University of Pennsylvania, Department of Counselor Education, Indiana, PA.

Sanabria, S. (April, 2002). Cultural Differences in Communication: Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Styles. Presented to California State University, Department of Counselor Education, Sacramento, CA.